Friday, May 4, 2012

Ultrasound Shmultrasound

Well...that was disappointing.  We had our "20 Week" ultrasound the other day and it was just not very exciting.  I was actually only 19 weeks, but they call it the 20 week ultrasound because it is usually scheduled "around" the half-way mark.  We were also dealing with a less-than-enthused Brennan during the appointment because honestly...WE couldn't even tell what we were looking at half the time, so how could we expect our two-and-a-half-year old to be interested in the black wavy lines on the screen??  So poor Derek wrangled Brennan and got even less out of the appointment than I did (which wasn't much)

Let me just start by saying that I am beyond blessed to have a healthy baby/pregnancy.  I don't mean to be whiny about it, so I will try not be...but let me just vent some of my frustration because well, that's what I do here on my blog from time to time.  Terribly sorry.  

First of all, our ultrasound tech was just not very talkative.  She was nice enough, but really only spoke when I asked "is that an arm I see?" or "Oh look, I think those are kidneys..."  Other than that, she stared blankly at her computer in between squeezing warm goo on my belly and waving the magic wand to see the baby.  It can be a little disconcerting to an expectant mom and dad to hear absolutely no comment from the person examining their child to check for any abnormalities.  In this case, as they say, "no news is good news"...but still...I could have used and "Oh look...There's your baby's perfectly beating heart!"  Alas...silence.

I think all of my feelings on this matter were heightened by the fact that the ultrasound tech that we had in Richmond during my pregnancy with Brennan was AWESOME.  She was so sweet and always sent us away with tons of pictures and congratulations and "Oh, Look how sweet those chubby cheeks are!!"  She was also extremely thorough and I feel like this lady was not.  Brennan's ultrasound tech always checked every. single. thing.  She measured all of his organs, his heart rate, his head circumference, length of arms and legs...everything.  I'm sure that this lady got what she needed for my doctor to feel content, but I wanted more. Also...we were sent home with ONE picture.  Which, as you can see, is just really not that good.  At the end of the ultrasound she actually spoke, but only to tell me that she was having a hard time getting a clear picture of the baby's heart for the doctor.  She said "I can see it on the screen, I just can't seem to get a picture of it." it was in Brennan's case, I assumed that she would ask me to come back at a different time to try to get a clearer picture if she was unable to capture it.  I was wrong.  She just basically shrugged her shoulders and said "Eh...I saw it on the screen.  That's good enough."  Not good enough for me, lady.  Not good enough for me. 

So...we are faced with a dilemma.  We had multiple ultrasounds with Brennan because of his size.  My doctor had me in for an ultrasound once a week toward the end of my pregnancy.  We also went to a photo-studio-type place and had a 3D/4D ultrasound when I was pregnant with Brennan and we loved it! My doctor says that we will most likely do at least one more ultrasound closer to the end of this pregnancy to monitor the baby's size since I want to attempt a VBAC.  Since we are waiting to find out the gender for this baby, I had said earlier on that I wanted to fore go the 3D ultrasound this time, lest we be tempted to peek.  HOWEVER, now I am having second thoughts.  I would really like to have some decent pictures to show to this precious child someday.  I hate the idea that they will someday look at Brennan's huge stack of ultrasound photos and then look at their one-measly little picture and think "What the heck, MOM?  Clearly you love Brennan more."  Also...I really do want to just get a more thorough look at the baby and make sure everything is looking a-ok. (Not that anything being less than perfect would CHANGE anything, but it would just be nice to be able to have some preparation if that were the case)  I mean...we could tell the 3D ultrasound tech that we don't want to know the sex of the baby and to stay out of "the area"?  Right?  Or should we just leave this one alone and trust that everything is fine?  Decisions, decisions.  Thoughts??  

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