Thursday, May 17, 2012


First of all, let me just say...I am under no illusions that this is as exciting to some people as it was to us.  I am aware that people endure earthquakes literally on a daily basis in some parts of the world and that they are probably thinking "Those Texans, I mean really...cry me a river."  The thing is...we don't get earthquakes here in Texas very often, so yes...this is a big deal!!

Last week we had an earthquake that was 3.9 (Two Earthquakes within a week! Yikes!) However, I was at work during that one and thought that my mother-in-law and husband were just suffering from a case of the "crazies" because I didn't feel it.  Well, let me just tell you...I FELT IT last night.  Oh my goodness!  Please take note of the little map from the US Geological Survey that I attached to this post.  See the little star??  I feel confident that if you zoomed in extra close on that star you would see our house.  Seriously...the epicenter of this earthquake was almost right where we live.  It hit at 3:12 am and we were sound asleep.  I definitely said a naughty word when I was violently shaken awake...oops!  I'm thinking the shaking lasted somewhere around 15-ish seconds...Derek thinks it was less, but based on reports I have been reading it's obvious that I am right (surprise, surprise!!!) Regardless of how long it was, it was awfully violent for only being a 4.3 magnitude earthquake.  Our bed is on a basic frame with wheels and we have hard floors in our house so we were shaking pretty bad.  Not to mention the fact that it sounded like there was a huge train barreling through the pasture right outside our window.  Who knew earthquakes were so LOUD??  Probably people who are used to earthquakes, that's who.  

Poor Brennan.  There was a brief moment of silence after the obnoxiously loud rumbling subsided and then he cried out "MOMMY!!!" I ran in and he was so sleepy and disoriented he said "Mommy, please you lay in my bed with me?"  Sweet guy.  He says things backwards sometimes, so instead of "Will you please" it is "Please you will"...and you bet I did!  

Other than being really shaken up (hah!) we are all fine.  Nothing fell off of our walls or got broken (miraculously) and we didn't exit our house to find a gigantic jagged crater in our yard.  All is well and hopefully we're done with the quakes in Texas.  

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