Total weight gain: how is it that when I was pregnant with my more-than-10lb baby I only gained 14 lbs total and somehow this time around with my "significantly smaller" baby I am up to 17 lbs? defies logic. I'm blaming Texas because I seem to have some swelling this time around and I never did with Brennan. Oh well...
Maternity clothes? 40 weeks pregnant I just look for something that is loose enough to maintain blood flow to my baby. Not an easy task.
Stretch marks? Yep. DANG! I found one yesterday...right on my belly button of all places. My skin is extremely tight so I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more once this baby is out. Battle Wounds!!
Sleep: has actually gotten a little bit better/easier. Not to say, in ANY WAY, that it is the best sleep I have ever had...but I seem to be a little more comfortable the last couple of weeks. I'll take it.
Best moment this week: This is my last week of work at a "normal" job. I have worked for basically my whole teen/adult this will be an adjustment for me, but I am so excited to be a Stay-at-Home-Mommy!
Miss Anything? Being able to easily shave my legs, reach my feet, and bend to pick things up!
Movement: the baby still moves quite a bit, although he or she has slowed up a little. My doctor just says that is because there is no more room to move (FYI, Baby...that is your cue to vacate the premises immediately!! Thanks.)
Food cravings: Carbonated drinks. Thank goodness we don't keep these in the house and I stick to water for the most part. Pretty sure it wouldn't do good things for the "swelling" issue to drink a bunch of soda.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not so much, but the pain from my belly stretching is pretty intense. Especially when the baby moves violently!
Gender: It's official...I am SO EXCITED to find out who this baby is!! I can't believe that we have made it this far and that in a matter of 6 days (TOPS!) we will know who this baby is!! Can't wait!! I'm so glad that we's going to be such a fun/special moment.
Labor Signs: I have been having some fairly uncomfortable contractions, but nothing consistent enough to do any good...clearly this is one big cosmic joke. AWESOME.
Symptoms: swelling, contractions, stretched-to-the-max abdomen
Belly Button in or out? No belly button. Just a giant belly.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on. I hope I don't have to take them off. The swelling isn't so bad in my hands maybe we can leave them on for the rest of this pregnancy!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I suppose I have hit the "moody" stage of pregnancy. I am still happy, but I think I would describe it as pensive...a little anxious...I just feel ready to get this show on the road and sometimes I get a little bit overwhelmed with the "little details".
Looking forward to: Hearing my doctor say "It's a _____!!!!" and finally getting to hold my little babe :)
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