Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's a Bird...It's a Plane...


I have to say...having a little boy is such an adventure.  He was definitely born with this innate "boy-ness" that gives him the wildest imagination, a love of dirt...trucks...bugs...and a sense of humor when it comes to bodily functions.  He is such a joy.  And even when he isn't being particularly easy to love...I do.  So much.  I can't imagine my life without this little super hero.  

I love these two pictures together.  He's a jumping machine!  He can FLY! 

I love my sweet boy so much that I am even willing to post pictures that are 100% disgusting and unflattering of myself, just to show how adorable HE is.  Look at that face! :)

He is such a sweet boy and I love when he gets slap-happy and can't contain his squeals and giggles.  Music to my ears. 

By the way...he insisted on wearing this flannel superman pajama shirt and cape even though it was about 106* outside.  It gives him the ability to fly, you see.  

1 comment:

  1. Robert wore his superman and his batman pajamas all around town as a child and we lived in the Mojave desert. :) We gotta have our superheros even in the dog days of summer.
