Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Have You Had That Baby Yet???"

This is a question that a woman who is in her final weeks of pregnancy will come to loathe.  Let me just start by saying, in general, we (pregnant folks) know that the "asker" of the question means well and is just trying to make small talk and be friendly.  Let me finish by saying, in general, how incredibly frustrating it can be to hear that question whilst you carry around an enormous belly that practically screams "No, I have NOT had this baby yet.  In fact...I have been pregnant for about 10 years."

I am not quite to this stage yet with Baby #2, although I can feel it coming.  At 34 weeks I am quite rotund and only getting more-so as the days progress.  I can almost see the question forming on the lips of friendly people and I know that when the time comes I will politely smile and force a chuckle.  Unless, of course, I hit about 39-40 weeks and then I will, naturally, have one of two reactions.  A) I will burst into tears or 2) I will simply alternate staring blankly at my huge abdomen and the face of the offending asker.  More than likely, it will be the latter.  I remember doing that on a few occasions when I was pregnant with Brennan.  I worked until Friday and I had Brennan on Monday.  Imagine how large I was carrying a 10lb baby...people asked "Have you had that baby yet???" and I completely lacked the energy to offer any other response than a death glare that conveyed the "Are you kidding me right now??" tone of my attitude.  To those who received the glare...I apologize.  But not too profusely because really...you and I both know that it was CLEAR I hadn't had my baby yet :)

SO...to solve the mystery...if you feel yourself wanting to ask a largely pregnant woman "Have you had that baby yet???"  Feel free to click here:

Have You Had That Baby Yet???

And there you have it! :)

PS...how hilarious is that website??  I so wish I had known about this with my first pregnancy!!  Love it.

*image courtesy of Pinterest

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