Well, here we are again. About to embark on a whole new year's worth of excitement and adventure. At the risk of sounding like "one of those" people I am going to take this opportunity to share my goals and resolutions for 2011.
You know when there is something in your life that you know is wrong or maybe even just slightly "off" and you don't really notice it because either a) it has been there so long that it's just normal now or 2) you are so far in denial about it that you pretend it is normal? Or is this just me? Well...it's not the most fun experience in the world to finally come to the realization that this "thing" is really taking it's toll. Not fun at all, my friend.
This year myself (and my husband) will be getting in shape. Physically and Financially. WHOA. "She really DOES sound like "one of those" doesn't she?"---I know you're thinking it. That's fine. I'd probably think the same thing about someone else. I just really feel like this year is different. I KNOW it is. Every other year before this I have had the same picture in my head. That I will magically wake up with a hot bod even though I seem to be stuck on eating ice cream and chips. Not going to happen. But THIS year...this year it has really hit me. I don't just want to be able to fit in smaller jeans (believe me...I do) but I want to be HEALTHY. I want to be a good example to my son. I don't want him to be the kid that refuses to eat anything but Happy Meals and Donuts. I want to provide a stable and loving environment and show him that healthy food can be and IS delicious. I think we're on a pretty decent start with Brennan. I started out when he first began eating solid foods with a book called "Super Baby Food" by Ruth Yaron. It's pretty awesome and breaks down into incredibly simple terms how you can prepare your own fresh baby food and freeze it so that you know exactly what your baby is eating. The kid eats better than we do, seriously. He loves things like broccoli, lima beans, spinach and avocados...I'll take it. I just don't want to be a hypocrite. I don't want to eat things and have my son say "Can I have some?" and me say "No, it's not good for you." or worse..."Sure, have some." Don't misunderstand...I don't want to be one of those parent's that has this crazy anti-fast food and sugar agenda. I don't want my kid to be the one in the school cafeteria eating his tofu cake and bean sprouts while the other kids enjoy their snack packs...I just...want him to be a healthy boy who knows that Snickers are an occasional treat, not a daily ritual. So there you go...we're getting healthy. Besides, I have already had a membership to the gym here for the last 2 months and I would say that I have been going (on average) 3 times a week...a good head start if you ask me! PLUS...we're starting a garden (I'm practically giddy thinking about all of the fresh produce and how much cheaper and WAY tastier it will be!) and getting chickens so we will have fresh eggs. I WILL do it this year. For my family and for myself.
As far as the financial aspect goes...if you have any kind of debt or financial stress...read "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. Now. Seriously...stop reading this and go read that instead. My husband (love that guy) has been trying to get me to read the book for about 3 years now and wouldn't you know...I didn't until just the other day. I'm tellin ya...good stuff. I am under no illusions that this "money makeover" of ours will be a walk in the park, but I totally psyched about it. I'm ready to not be a slave (in debt) to a master (creditor) anymore. Proverbs 22:7 It's like I said before...one of those things that you know is wrong in your life, but you just choose to ignore or become so in denial about that it gets a little bit out of control. Unfortunately in today's society being in debt is "normal"...having student loans, credit cards, car loans...whatever. It's expected. It's the only way you can get what you want, right? Wrong. If you don't have money for something you want...don't buy it with money you don't have. Period. It's hard work when you have "stuff" shoved in your face all day long giving you the impression that you "need" certain things to be happy. I'll tell you what I NEED...I need a God who has patience with me and all of my shortcomings and loves me anyway. I NEED the support and love of my husband. I NEED to be able to know that I am raising my sweet boy to know that he is loved by God and by his Mom and Dad. I NEED to my son to learn to make wise decisions concerning money by watching his parents. Luckily I have a husband who is awesome and a leader in our marriage...we both want the same things in life...to have a solid family and marriage and to be debt-free and able to live and give "like no one else".
Another reason why I feel like this and our physical fitness will work is that we are on the same page! Isn't it awesome to have someone to share your goal with?? Thank God for my amazing husband! So there you have it...two incredibly typical New Year's Resolutions that are about to have completely atypical results. Keep our family in your prayers! Maybe I will report back on December 31, 2011 and let you know how we're doing.
Happy New Year Everyone! May your 2011 be better than your 2010!
Wow. Well said and I'm with you on the getting fit thing. I lost 35 lbs last year and then let myself go. This year, I will do better. Check out the book "The Game On Diet." That's what I used to lose my weight, it makes it a competition and I'm sure you guys could make getting healthy into a competition. Give the big guy a rear pat for me : )