Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Isn't it funny how a song can bring you straight back to a LONG time ago? Or maybe not so long ago, but for the rest of your life a particular song will always make you remember someone or someplace or something. For instance...this morning when I went to the gym to work out I was listening to my Zune (used to be an iPod, but then it vanished-aka got stolen, but only after I accidentally left in on a really it was MY fault, ANYWAY...) and I always put it on "Shuffle All" when I work out because I feel like it leaves an element of surprise that forces me to keep working out just a little longer so I can see what song will come up next!! Exciting right? I know...not really, but I do what I can to keep things spontaneous. So anyway, today I am working out and into my little earbuds comes the lovely voice of Freddy Mercury (may he rest in peace) singing "Fat Bottom Girls". I chuckled as I was trucking along on the treadmill because it was ironic to me that I was listening to a song about how "fat bottom girls make the rocking world go 'round" and there I was trying to rid my body of a fat bottom. The other thing that popped into my head is how my dear friend Kirsten used to sing it "FLAT bottom girls" instead of fat. Which lead me to remember endless sleepovers and car rides in the "jeepers" where we would listen to music (such as Queen) and "rock our faces off" (Also a commonly used phrase from that time in my life) So, yeah...I took a nice little stroll down memory lane today. Now as I am writing this though, I am thinking about how other specific songs remind me of certain people or places or things. Like...oh I don't know...let's see...That one song by Evan Essence, don't know the name but every time I hear it I think of going to the viewing for a girl who died. I went to high school with her and she died shortly after we graduated. The weird thing is...I wasn't really close friends with her and I can't remember her last name for the life of me, but all I know is...when I hear that song I immediately envision myself in that teeny tiny funeral home room looking at her in a casket. Needless to say, I typically change the station or avoid listening to that song when I can. On a happier note, when ever I hear Frank Sinatra bellowing for me to "Start Spreadin' The News..." I am transported to a little living room on Avellana Circle where me and my goofy friends created a video where we sang and danced (and also did "Real World"-esque confessionals...that's right, I admit it.) to "New York, New York". There's also "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" which will always, always remind me of LindsAy Johnson. "The Star Spangled Banner" by KISS---brings me back to first annual "BOREth of July". "Maggie Mae" by Rod Stewart and how it made Amy cry. Really what it boils down to is that I LOVE music. It's such a big part of my life and I always used to wish that I could have a "soundtrack" to my life, but I have realized that I kind of do. What songs take YOU back??

1 comment:

  1. Dude! We have SO many of the same music memories! How cool is that. Memories so potent that I confess I blush a little. (ehem The Real makes me nervous that we don't know where that video is.)
    When I hear Rod Stewarts Some Guys Have All the Luck, all I can think about is us driving around South Dakota looking for the Corn Palace.
    It's a cool way to keep in touch. Also, fact, flat bottom girls need more shout outs.
