Friday, August 29, 2014

Pre-K Interview

I did a "First Day of School" interview with Brennan. So these are his answers (verbatim), at 4 years old, on his first day of Pre-K.

1. What is your favorite color? Green 
2. What is your favorite animal? Giraffe
3. What is your favorite food? Peanut Butter and Jellies
4. What is your favorite toy? My trash truck that has the triangle move button.
5. What was your favorite thing you did this summer? Play outside...and ride airplanes!

6. What are you really good at? I'm really good at building towers...LEGO towers.
7. What is the hardest thing for you to do? (sigh) work out in the sun...*
8. What is your favorite thing to do at home?  Build train tracks in my room.
9. Who is your best friend? Dixie Leigh because I like her the most in the whole world.
10. What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer. And I'm gonna have a farm and lots of animals. I'm a young farmer now.**
11. Where do you want to live when you grow up? Dallas-Fort Worth. I want to live where you and Dad met***
12. If you could have a super power what would it be? I would cook pancakes with my eyes. I mean my nose. I would put the spoon in my nose and cook it.****
13. What is your favorite book? The Little Red Caboose and Library Mouse. Both of them are my favorite.
14. What is your favorite song? Jesus Loves Me. Mmm-hmm.
15. What is your favorite memory verse? Your teachings are worth...NO. A friend loves at all times. Provers 17:17*****

*For the record, we do not enforce slave labor. The kid practically begs to be outside at all times.
**I wonder what age would classify him as an old farmer?  Or even a middle-aged farmer? 
***Actually,, we met in Lynchburg, VA...NOT Dallas-Ft Worth! 
****BOYS! Always with the bodily function/body-part humor. I tell ya.
*****he always drops the "b" at the end of Proverbs. It's precious. Provers. Also, he couldn't quite decide...he started out with Psalm 119:72 and swiftly changed his mind.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding #11. Just let him think you met in DFW! Hint Hint!!!
