Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh, the horror...

Have I ever mentioned that we live (literally) in the middle of a hay field?  Well, we do.  When you live in the middle of such a thing as a hay field...you are bound to run into "critters" from time to time (or every single day...whatever.)  So just imagine with me, if you will, walking out of your house into your garage and seeing THIS:



This, my friends, is what is called a "Wolf Spider" and this one just happens to be carrying a big old load of BABY Wolf Spiders on her back.  I think I just threw up a little bit.  My dashing husband saved me from the beasts*, but it is safe to say that we need to make a run to Walmart for a new can of Raid.

By the way, it just so happens that when we discovered this monster spider we were on our way outside to "handle" an armadillo that was tearing up our backyard.  Yep...critters, I tell you!  CRITTERS EVERYWHERE!!  I don't know if I was meant for the country life.  Just in case you missed it, the little "flashy light" things you see on the spiders back are the wee-beady-eyes of her demon spawn.  BLAH! 

*Yes PLURAL...because even BABY spiders are despicable.  

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