Let me just start by saying:
God is so good! Since
before I knew for sure that I was pregnant, I began to pray that God
would allow me to have a safe and healthy VBAC delivery. I was nervous
and anxious that it wouldn't happen and that I would end up needing to
have another cesarean section, but I prayed fervently for peace through
the pregnancy and I trusted that everything would work out according to
His perfect plan. I knew that no matter the method of delivery I would
have a precious baby and most of all I just wanted for both of us to be
healthy and safe! Thank you to everyone who prayed for us through this
pregnancy. We can never tell you just how much it means to us to have
your support!
SO, Here's how it went...
The last shot of my big old baby belly. |
It was a dark and stormy night…literally.
Those of you who think that moon cycles and
weather don’t have any effect on pregnant women, HAH!
Clearly it worked for me!
…The night of September 29
th (the
full moon AND a wicked little thunder storm) I felt ok, but right around
midnight (the beginning of September 30
th) I began having
contractions like clockwork every 15 minutes.
Consequently, I got zero sleep.
Around 4 am I let my panic get the best of me and decided to go ahead
and call Derek (he was in Mexico, naturally.) to let him know that I was having
contractions and he should probably head home at his earliest convenience (or
RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW!), but lo and behold…the international calling
plan that we had purchased failed.
So I resorted to sending
facebook messages to him (knowing fully that he wouldn’t check his facebook
until he woke up at a decent hour…why would he??)
Sure enough, the hours passed, the uterus
kept right on contracting, and Derek slept peacefully in his little Mexican
Hotel Room.
I have to admit…at this
point I was still thinking that maybe I was just being ridiculous in wanting
Derek to come home.
I mean, after all,
the contractions were still 15 minutes apart and maybe I was just having “false
When he finally called me around
8:30 that morning he asked how I was doing and decided that he would come
Unfortunately, the earliest flight
out of Mexico was the flight that he was scheduled to fly!
So he just had to wait.
Poor guy.
He landed in Dallas around 4:30pm and called me immediately.
I informed him then that my contractions were
12 minutes apart and still very consistent.
He got through customs, to his car and drove (very fast…eek!) toward
He called me about every 10
minutes (or so it seemed) on the way home and my contractions progressively
moved to 10 minutes apart, then 8 minutes, then 6 minutes.
I figured at this point that it most likely
WASN’T false labor.
It definitely
very real.
I called the hospital and let
them know that I was coming and hopped in the car with Derek’s Mom to head that
Derek changed his destination in
the GPS to go directly to the hospital and amazingly (or terrifyingly…whatever)
made it from Dallas to Nacogdoches in about 2 and a half hours (normally about
3 and a half or 4 hours of driving!)
This is what my face looked like when my contractions were 6 minutes apart. haha! |
Finally my baby Daddy arrived! |
When I arrived at the hospital and got all checked in my
dear sweet nurse informed me that I was, in fact, only 1 cm dilated.
To which I replied “Say Whaaaaaaa???
How could this BE???
And let me just say…if this is what 1 cm
feels like, I am going to need an epidural
yesterday because WOW…this sucks.”
Ok, so maybe I didn’t say those exact words,
but I was heartbroken.
But at least Derek was there
with me now.
I could handle it as long
as he was there.
The nurse even toyed
with the idea that my doctor might want to send us back home (the nerve!) but
that we would give it a little while and see how things progressed.
She suggested that Derek and I walk “laps”
around the Labor and Delivery floor and see if that would spark up some
We walked for about 45 minutes
and in that time my contractions started to come every three minutes and they
hurt just like the dickens. (JUST like them!)
I decided to go back to the room and try out the tub to see if that
would help and I will admit that I thought for sure I would be at least 6 or 7
cm dilated at this point.
It was just
insanely painful.
I know…childbirth is
I was on my knees (literally) in pain during our "walk" around the hospital. OUCH! |
Anyway, we went back to
the room and I was in the tub for just about as long as it took to fill it up
and then I couldn’t stand it any longer and had to get out and see if I could
get some drugs to help me out.
I was so
tired and I just wanted to sleep and get some rest to be able to have some
energy when the time came to push.
thing…when I got out of the tub and she checked me again, I was still only 1 cm
There may or may not have been a few expletives spewed.
The nurse offered to give me a drug called Fentanyl and an Ambien to help me get some sleep.
I asked how quickly the Fentanyl would kick
in and my nurse assured me that it would be almost automatic because it was going
directly into my IV.
She sweetly
instructed me to “get some rest” (HAH!) and left the room.
The next 45 minutes were basically the worst
thing ever.
Ok, maybe not the worst
EVER, but certainly the most painful 45 minutes of my life!
And can I just state, for the record, that my
precious little nurse told me a lie straight from the pit of hell...that Fentanyl did absolutely NOTHING for me.
When she came back into the room after 45 minutes or so I asked if I
could please have more of the drug or something else to help with the
She said that the baby’s heart
rate was declining a little bit so they couldn’t give me anything else.
I told her I was scared because I felt like
every time I was having a contraction my body had a mind of its own and was
It was such a strange
I couldn’t stop it!
I even remember the nurse looking at the
monitor and saying “Gosh…you’re having some STRONG contractions, Girl!”
(Hello, Nurse Obvious.
Pleasure to meet you!
) Anyway, she decided she would check me again
and as she did her face changed from “this poor girl thinks that she is in pain
NOW, she’s only 1 cm!” to “Hmmm…that’s strange.” because upon inspection she discovered that I had gone from 1cm to
10cm in a matter of 45 minutes.
When she
said this to me I didn’t quite understand because believe me…in that moment…I
wanted an epidural.
I wanted one
But guess what??
They won’t give you an epidural when you are
10 cm and already pushing…can you believe that?!
So there I was, having the VBAC that I had prayed so hard for and
without pain killers to boot!
(not so much a specific part of my prayer, but God has a sense of humor!) My doctor
wasn’t even there because just less than an hour before the whole 1 to 10
the nurse had called her and
told her not to worry about coming in!
So now my nurse was calmly asking me NOT to push if I could.
She asked me to “breathe through the
contractions” and I cried and apologized because, as I said before, my body had
a mind of its own!
I couldn’t stop!
Eventually the nurse just said we would do
some “practice pushes” while the doctor was on her way.
Turns out I didn’t need a whole lot of
I guess I am pretty awesome at
(can we get a round of applause, please? Thank you.) My doctor showed up less than 5
minutes before the baby was born.
It was
actually kind of comical when she arrived because she was throwing on her
scrubs and gloves like a mad woman and as soon as she sat down the baby was
My sweet baby boy, Luke Iven Hulsey was born at 12:45
am on October 1, 2012!
8 lbs 5 oz and 19.5" Long |
So glad (and clearly feeling the Ambien) to be holding my boy! |
Funny how your perspective on life (and your facial expressions) change when you aren't in Labor! |
Love my family! |
We are all happy and healthy and you know, even with the insane and intense pain that I experienced in the birth of this baby boy, I would do it all over again in a heart beat! The recovery from this VBAC has been a million times easier than my c-section (even with a toddler added into the mix!) I am so incredibly blessed to have had this experience!
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