So I am now 22 weeks pregnant. WOW...I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by already. Pretty crazy! According to pregnancy.com our baby boy is now about the length of a spaghetti squash! Have you seen those things?! They're HUGE! Luckily when I got my update via email I had a spaghetti squash on hand (Derek thinks they are yummy) and I was able to hold it to my abdomen and try and grasp exactly what my baby might be feeling right now. He's probably nice and snug in his spaghetti-squash-sized-womb. Although he does love to stretch out and I feel it all the time! He is quite the little mover. He just kicks and flips and jabs away all the live long day, but mostly during the night when Mommy wants to sleep :) Typical. It's ok though. The movement makes it even more real to me that soon I will be able to hold my little man in my arms instead of my belly. Amazing.
Super excited for you and Derek!! Yay for babies!