Thursday, April 12, 2012

16 Weeks and a Silly Survey!
How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: So far I am down about 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Kind of...they are certainly much more comfortable, however...my lack of "business professional" maternity clothes has forced me to be "clever" for work. Long shirts and rubber bands on the button loop of my normal pants have been sufficient (Ghetto...I know.)
Stretch marks? Nope! I didn't get any until about the week before Brennan was born and even then they were minimal. I am using lotion after every shower now, so hopefully I can keep them away again!!
Sleep: Ugh. I have never really been good at sleeping peacefully, but it is especially bad now. My poor husband. I'm lucky if I can keep my eyes open past 9pm and then I just thrash around all night and wake up exhausted! Naps seem to help, but those only happen on the weekends!
Best moment this week: I have been feeling the baby move (I think?) for a couple weeks now...but now I KNOW I am feeling that little baby move!
Miss Anything? Not really. I guess maybe being able to take medication for allergies/headaches, etc. But I am ok with that if it means having a healthy little baby!
Movement: Yes! Not anything crazy like it will be soon, but I definitely feel those little kicks and punches from time to time. At my last appointment when the measured baby's heart rate my doctor said she could HEAR the baby kicking and assured me that I am was most likely feeling those kicks too!
Food cravings: Eh...food shmood...I eat, but I haven't really had any serious cravings at this point and actually I have found myself eating less that normal just because my appetite isn't what it used to be. I definitely don't "snack" as much.
Anything making you queasy or sick: certain smells are pretty bad, but thank God most of the "morning(noon, and night) sickness" has gone away!
Gender: Is it a boy? Is it a girl? No one knows! :)
Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: just super tired and a little "sore", but mostly feeling good.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? ON!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have to admit that I am somewhat of an emotional basket case some times. It's quite frustrating. I find myself apologizing frequently for my grumpiness. Especially to my two-year-old. Poor Buddy :(
Looking forward to: As crazy as it sounds...looking forward to my belly getting bigger and for Derek and Brennan to be able to feel the baby move!